We're off on a new adventure! We discuss our points of experience, the stroll out of the woods, and Jonny gets drunk off a couple of root beers. We find a river and then time takes a wonky turn, in places. All in all, it turned out more productive than it may sound. Check our twitter and Facebook pages. C'mon, it'll be fun!
Cast of Players:
Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.)
Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff
Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1
Merrill Snar: Eileen Dobbins @eileenisajerk
Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch
Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki
You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries
On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure
Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory.
Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah.
And can be found at jsargemusic.blogspot.com or remedialm-theory.bandcamp.com and @theJsarge on twitter.
Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cooke Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC.
Our first adventure draws to a close. I believe it to be a success. Come to your own conclusions and then let's discuss it. We have social media, USE IT GOD DAMN IT!!! We finish our conversation with the new people, and we all meet Gilbert. Admittedly I'm a little jealous of Glethron. Let's all take a moment and catch our breath and next week we'll start our next adventure.
Cast of Players:
Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.)
Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff
Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1
Merrill Snar: Eileen Dobbins @eileenisajerk
Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch
Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki
You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries
On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure
Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory.
Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah.
And can be found at jsargemusic.blogspot.com or remedialm-theory.bandcamp.com and @theJsarge on twitter.
Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cooke Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC.
Things are getting hot for our adventurers. We walk through another corridor, there's another door. Freebird Batman jumps into a new room...naked. Also it's Christmas time! And we meet some new people. We learn, we laugh, we love, and good times are had by all.
Cast of Players
Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.)
Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff
Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1
Merrill Snar: Eileen Dobbins @eileenisajerk
Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch
Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki
You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries
On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure
Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory.
Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah.
And can be found at jsargemusic.blogspot.com or remedialm-theory.bandcamp.com and @theJsarge on twitter.
Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cooke Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC.
This is gonna be fun! We find a clutch of weird alien eggs. Not xenomorphs, I asked. But we almost lose Eddy Broden anyway. And then we fight a thing! We'll take care of XP and other housekeeping next time...maybe.
Cast of Players:
Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.)
Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff
Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1
Merrill Snar: Eileen Dobbins @eileenisajerk
Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch
Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki
You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries
On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure
Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory.
Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah.
And can be found at jsargemusic.blogspot.com or remedialm-theory.bandcamp.com and @theJsarge on twitter.
Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cooke Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC.